Hello. I’m Smehur, and I create fanfiction and lately also fanart for Darksiders, Mass Effect and The Elder Scrolls (in order of momentary importance). I also post reviews of various things I play, listen, read and watch, and occasionally even the things I eat and drink! But mostly, this site is about fandom and writing.
If you read my stories and articles and like them (or don’t), or have something to ask or say, about this site or anything related, please pen down your thoughts in the comment box, or contact me on Twitter and/or Tumblr; I’ll be delighted to hear from you.
Thank you for visiting, and enjoy your stay!
About the Name
Smehur is a made-up word that means ‘laughing bubble’ or ‘space jester’.
I know it’s hard to pronounce and I apologize for the inconvenience. The correct pronunciation is sme-hu̇r. The ‘sme’ is like in ‘smell’ and the ‘hur’ is like in ‘hood’. Thank you for not reading it as smear.
About the Avatar and the Background
The ‘laughing bubble’ thing is related to the Bubble Nebula because in some images it appears to be smiling.

Credit & Copyright: Russell Croman. First spotted on APOD.
The Bubble Nebula is an emission nebula created in the collision between the powerful wind of a massive young star (the brighter of the two ‘eyes’) and the material of the giant molecular cloud that gave birth to it. It’s about 10 light-years across and part of a much larger complex of stars and shells. Here it is up-close:

Credits: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)