Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker

“Dawn of the Seeker” is a Japanese CG-anime film set in Bioware’s Dragon Age universe. It takes place after the events of Dragon Age 2, and follows the adventures of the Templar Seeker, Cassandra Pentaghast (who we had the pleasure of meeting for the first time in Dragon Age 2), and her Mage sidekick, Galyan, as they strive to thwart a conspiracy against the Chantry.

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Milk and Blood

Warnings: body fluids, body horror, main character death.

Actors: myself, Friend, [Friend’s] Mother, Old Man.

Image by CuriousCanvas

I’m at Friend’s. She and Mother are getting ready to go to the inauguration of our new President. They are dressing up like barbies. Mother has a diadem and looks like Queen Elisabeth. Friend looks amazing in the first dress she picks: a long white gown with many thin layers that makes her look like a fairy.

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