More than I can say

Inspired by the phenomenal story everything you could ever want by eleadore, More than I can say is a sequel and a love letter. Writing it was more fun than I’ve had with a story in ages, and so, so rewarding. Many thanks to eleadore for kindness and support, and for writing the lovely piece that set this in motion in the first place.

“Your Incarcerous, though,” Potter went on with a grin, “that was wild.” He looked over his shoulder at the blooming bush, picked one of the dramatic white flowers, and buried his nose in it.

Draco’s cheeks burned.

“Was it on purpose?” said Potter, twirling the flower.

Yes, absolutely, is what Draco was supposed to say, but embarrassment had made him stupid, and he shook his head.

“Thought so.” The apple of Potter’s throat went up and down. “Can I kiss you?”

Draco nodded, melting.

Read here, or on AO3.

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