In an unlikely turn of events, I have started to invest serious time and efforts into learning to draw and I’m pleasantly surprised by the results. The first of these that I deem good enough to show in public is — of all things — a rendering of the cover-them-up meme that’s been going around for a couple months now, featuring none other than War.
Continue reading I Make Art Now, ApparentlyThe Tale of the Door to the Well of Souls
In Darksiders II, once Death reaches the Tree of Life and Death, he can admire the grand door that leads to the Well of Souls. The engravings on the door are pretty intricate, and for the most part, make sense. On the left, we have the Tree of Life, and on the right, the Tree of Death. At the base of the door are the keyholes for the two keys, one guarded in Heaven (the left) and the other in Hell (the right).

This is where things start to get interesting. On each side of the door, there’s a series of four images. On the left, they seem to depict some angelic business, and on the right, demonic. But some of them are rather odd and not easy to interpret.
Continue reading The Tale of the Door to the Well of SoulsTeach Me How To Shoot Your Gun – A Darksiders Story
Rise of War Gifset
Strange Angels
By K. Koja
Image by Deanse
I got this book as a part of a strange fiction bundle, and like many books I buy in bundles, it’s been sitting on my e-book reader long enough for me to forget I had it, let alone why and even if, I wanted it. I picked it up this January, in a break I needed to take from The Golem and the Jinni by H. Wecker (a subject for another post), because the title resonated with my ongoing Darksiders obsession. But soon I discovered several more unexpected resonances.
Continue reading Strange Angels