Designed and made by cakecrumbs, all with tutorials for Earth Cake and Jupiter Cake. Awesome stuff.
Euphoric Synesthesia
Beautiful oil paintings by the synesthetic artist Melissa McCracken. I am so jealous of her gift! Would definitely buy some of those for my home if I could afford it.
Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini, and Richard Lannon – “A general theory of love”
Who we are and who we become depends, in part, on whom we love.
How long has it been since I last saw a sci-fi movie with more sci than fi that I actually liked? I can think of a few I didn’t like, namely Gravity (2013) and Sunshine (2007), but the closest thing to fit the above description would have to be Contact (1997). So it was about time something like Interstellar finally happened. In a word, it’s awesome. Everything, from the unforgiving plot and intelligent characters, over the stunning visuals and a magnificent soundtrack, to the scientific background, exceeded my expectations. I have seen it twice and enjoyed it to bits both times. 10 out 10, would definitely watch again.
Continue reading InterstellarOscar Wilde
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
Tomb Raider (2013)
When I started playing this game, I went into it with practically no expectations. Perhaps that is why I finished it with practically no objections. In its twenty-something hours, I had nothing but fun taking twenty-something Lara Croft through her first adventure. The visuals are stunning, the environments detailed and evocative, the difficulty of various challenges seemingly tailored to my taste. And then there’s the addition of skills to develop and tools to find, craft or improve, and for the first time, a sense of character to accompany Lara’s fancy moves. What’s not to like?