I was thrilled when this game (hereafter TW2) appeared, yet it took me two years to finally play it from start to finish. And even after doing so, I can’t say for sure why it failed to lure me in the way its predecessor (hereafter TW), one of my all time favorites, did in 2008. A mystery by anyone’s standards, because TW2 has it all: the story, the visuals, the combat, the humor. It’s rare that I have so few (next to no) objections to a game. Yet if I was to choose one to replay, I’d still rather go to TW than to TW2.
Best of the Best
Yes, yes, I know it’s utterly uncool to brag – but come on, it’s the Best of the Best banner! In case you don’t know, one gets it as the award for finishing all the challenges in Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, which I finally did yesterday, after many months of dedicated gaming. Woohoo!
Among Others
Acting on a hunch, and seeing how it won both the Hugo and the Nebula awards, I picked up Jo Walton’s “Among Others” and – couldn’t put it down.
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
I have finally seen the film. Like many other people I talked to about it prior to seeing it, I was afraid that it would be too stretched out and boring. The book itself is boring despite its relative thinness (being a kids’ book after all), let alone a nine-hour dramatization – or so I thought. It’s not like that at all. It’s pretty to look at and funny and exciting and in the end I sincerely wished I had the sequels at hand – I’d have watched them too, and right after.
Bubble in Company
The Stress of Her Regard – Revisited With Spoilers
Several days ago, I wrote about my initial impressions with Tim Powers’ “The Stress of Her Regard”, making an effort to reveal nothing of importance to a potential future reader who doesn’t want to be spoiled. That post felt oddly unfinished and, honestly, rather lame, but it took me a while to figure out why. And now I’m going to tell you, in all the glorious, spoilerific detail.
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